Ben and Mandy often discuss how to further improve his language skills in class. He used to accumulate new words and even practiced handwriting through the mobile app for years. However after he set set a TOCFL language test goal for himself recently, I feel like new living water is injecting into his learning. During class, he excitedly shared with me his latest new strategy, going back to practice writing on workbooks, using the paper flash cards, and he apparently is acquiring strength through those basic strategy again. Indeed, there is no one-size-fits-all learning strategy, neither language level, learning habits, personal needs, or even the language itself is constantly changing. As a teacher, I can participate my student’s journey of discovery, isn't it also the living water of teaching?
Ben和Mandy常常在上課的時候,一起探討如何進一步增進語言程度。過去,他常常透過手機App累積生詞甚至練習手寫漢字。最近他因為為自己訂了一個TOCFL語言檢定的目標,又為學習注入了新的活水。上課的時候,他興沖沖地跟我分享著自己最近的新策略,大有一種返璞歸真的態勢。 確實如此,沒有什麼一成不變的學習策略,語言程度、學習習慣、個人需求甚至語言本身,沒有一個不是不斷變動著的。身為老師,可以跟著學生一起參與這場探索之旅,何嘗不是另一種教學活水呢!