中澤先生是個很用功的學生,雖然因為個性害羞不太敢和台灣人說中文,但是上課的時候總是非常努力地用全中文跟我聊天,我很榮幸成為唯一不會讓他緊張的台灣人! 中澤先生來台灣快兩年了,來的時候正好是台灣疫情開始擴散的時候,於是我們就一直透過網路每週學習中文。 他對自己的聽力特別沒自信,但是Mandy老師對他卻很有信心,能夠上課努力用中文聊天的學生,怎麼可能會差呢? 那天中澤先生跟我說,他報名了TOCFL的考試。他大概也是我第一個不需要鼓勵就自動報名考試的學生吧!我們針對考試準備了兩三個禮拜,中澤先生也完全如同我預期地通過了Level 2的能力檢測(閱讀level 3, 聽力level 2) 。當然,中澤先生也和我所有去考過TOCFL的學生一樣,覺得自己還可以更好。恭喜中澤成功取得TOCFL Level 2,老師覺得你很棒。 下階段的Level 3,老師和你一起努力!
Nakazawa San is a very hardworking student. Although he is too shy to speak Chinese with other Taiwanese, he always tries very hard to chat with me in full Chinese during class. I am so honored to be the only Taiwanese who does not make him nervous😂 ! Nakazawa San has been in Taiwan for almost two year, arriving Taiwan while the epidemic began to spread here, and we have been doing online Chinese class every week since then. He is not confident in his listening ability, but Teacher Mandy is very confident in him. How can a student who is able to chat in Chinese in class be poor in exams? In one class in Feb, Nakazawa San told me that he had signed up for the TOCFL exam. He is probably also my first student who automatically signed up for the exam without encouragement! We prepared for the exam for two or three weeks, and Nakazawa San passed Level 2 (with reading level 3, listening level 2) exactly as I expected. Of course, like all my students who have taken the TOCFL test, Nakazawa San feels that he can do better.
Congratulations to Nakazawa for passing TOCFL level 2! For the next goal Level 3, teacher Mandy will definitely help you to accomplish again👍