The word "一切"(yíqiè) is an indicting pronoun. It expresses the meaning of "the whole)(全部qúanbù) and "various kinds of"(各種 gèzhǒng). "一切" can be used as a subject and object. And also when it is used to modify a noun directly, it can not be followed by the word "的".
1. Wǒmen huì kèfú yíqièkùnnán.
We will overcome all difficulties.
2. Yíqièshǒuxù dōu bànhǎole.
一切手續 都 辦好了。
All formalities have been done.
3. Duōxiè nǐwèiwǒzuòdeyíqiè.
Thanks a lot for all you've done for me.