Thanks for these three gentlemen's cooperating to accomplish this vegetarian task with me. You three have done a great job to show how learning Mandarin can enrich life in Taiwan. Let's keep learning for using and from using together!!
Special appreciation to Vegan Bear and Book for providing such yummy vegan dishes and warm service for us. Highly recommended!!!
As a vegetarian, helping vegetarian students to smoothly get the foods using Mandarin is for sure one of what I most want to do.
However I never thought I will get the awesome Indian breakfast from my students wife nor the art crafts from their child, and not even to mention meeting the Maitreya Buddha from India.
Actually the value of family, the respect to teacher, the hospitality towards guests from Indian culture are all just exactly the same as our traditional value. I might also had been an Indian cultivator in one past life, especially I’m such an Indian food lover.
The more you devote, the more you get fulfilled, for both teachers and students, languages and cultures.
How wonderful morning it is as accomplishing the vegetarian task with my excellent students.
Cheers! 乾杯🍻!gān bēi!
我要謝謝我的這三位學生, 感謝他們在繁重的工作之餘, 還是願意跟我一起完成這項素食任務。 因為我們都知道,對一個外國人來說, 到一個新環境,能找到自己可以吃的食物有多重要。 同場加映「臭豆腐大挑戰」😁 尤其是今天生日的Raghu,生日快樂🎂!
特別感謝 舒醒熊 -Vegan Bear- 蔬食手作坊 以及 帥氣又佛心的老闆Book 曾書堃 ,提供了最美味的素食和最溫馨的服務。 大大推薦素友們到這裏來享受美味又健康的全素料理唷!